Tiffany Wye
Early Career Teacher
Shoalhaven High School NSW
Yuin Nation
The Teaching Awards Alumni are inspiring teachers and school leaders who exemplify how education can transform children’s lives, creating brighter opportunities for all young Australians.
Together, this growing cohort of outstanding educators are making a difference in and beyond their schools to influence and inform best practice, policy and the broader profession.
Read more about their achievements below.
John Paul II Catholic School TAS
Cobram Secondary College VIC
Yorta Yorta and Bangerang
Katherine High School NT
Jawoyn, Dagoman and Wardaman
St Lucy's School NSW
Dharug and Guringai
Serpentine Primary School WA
Gnaala Karla Booja
Holy Spirit College QLD
Gimuy Walubara Yidinji and Guugu Yimithirr
Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School SA
Peramangk and Ngarrindjeri
Cosgrove High School TAS
Nipaluna Palawa, Lutruwita
Nawarddeken Academy NT
Bordoh, Djalama and Mok