Craig Skinner
Calista Primary School, WA
Teaching Fellow
In your application, you wrote about how you’ve been transforming outcomes for your students. Tell us what you’ve been doing, and what the results have been.
Having a very clear priority of what is important for my students and putting in place evidence-based practices to support the priority. At Calista Primary School far too many students were not achieving benchmark in literacy and numeracy. Using evidence-based practice in Explicit Teaching and bringing all staff on board, we have been able to lift improvement so that almost all students from the stable cohort achieve benchmark or better.
How has becoming a teaching fellow benefited you?
Through the Fellowship I have gained a huge amount of knowledge about best practice in education. Through the master classes, study tour and networking I have learned a lot about what works and best ways to implement new ideas. This will enable me to support Calista Primary School to continue to improve outcomes for students.
How have your school and your students benefited from your award?
With the financial support for our school project, I have implemented an improved process for peer observation, coaching and feedback. This will lead to improved teacher efficacy, collaboration and confidence, and improved student learning and performance as a result.
What has been the highlight of becoming a teaching fellow?
All of it! Being recognised at the presentation ceremony in the presence of successful and highly respected members of the Australian community, meeting and sharing with the other Fellows and being part of the study tour to Singapore where I was able to see a high-performing system in action.
What advice would you give any teachers or school leaders thinking about applying this year?
I would encourage any teacher or leader who feels they are making a difference within their school to apply. The self-reflection process in applying is a benefit in itself. Successful applicants get the opportunity to grow in so many ways and to be a part of something much bigger on a national stage.