Carolyn (Caz) Wilson
Woodberry Public School, NSW
Teaching Fellow
Caz Wilson, Assistant Principal and Transition Support Teacher (Early Years) for the Gateway Learning Community of Public Schools in the Hunter region of NSW, has led the highly successful Strong Start Successful Learners (SSSL) model since late 2018 – and she has seen some incredible results.
The SSSL initiative has significantly improved student outcomes and community engagement by enhancing early education connections and addressing developmental delays before students begin their school journey. The program has enabled early identification of students with additional needs, improving pre-enrolment information by up to 95% in its first year and growing early identifications by over 400% across participating schools. This early knowledge has assisted crucial intervention in the post-COVID context, where many students face developmental challenges.
Under Caz’s leadership, the SSSL model has expanded from the initial Gateway Learning Community around Woodberry to additional clusters, including Kurri Kurri and Cessnock. She has successfully scaled the model’s impact by developing effective transition practices, fostering cultural change, and building sustainable partnerships. Her proactive approach has led to significant reductions in invisible transitions and improved children’s learning outcomes through better support and community engagement.
Caz has enhanced school transition planning across schools in the Hunter region, with her work recognised in several prestigious awards, including National Winner of the Reimagine 2023 Social Impact Award, National Finalist in the 2023 Susan Ryan Family Engagement Awards and received Public Education Secretary Awards for Outstanding School Initiatives and Excellent Service. Her leadership of the SSSL model and her commitment to early intervention and community collaboration has ensured that many children start and continue their education in a much more positive way.