
Learning Gaps

Helping to address learning gaps and reduce the number of children and young people falling behind.


To give children the resources they need to build future-focused skills in literacy, numeracy and STEM, and positive learning behaviours to be lifelong learners.

By 2027, we aim to impact 150,000 children per year.

Children show growth in literacy, numeracy and STEM.

Children have access to new technologies, develop digital literacy, and problem solving, collaboration, creativity and critical and design thinking skills.

Teachers have improved capabilities in teaching.


Right now, many children across Australia are falling behind in core learning areas.

Children and young people facing disadvantage are:

  • twice as likely to be unprepared for school. Each year, 22% of 4-5 year olds start school behind.
  • twice as likely to be behind students with advantaged backgrounds at the age of 15 in reading, maths and science.
  • less likely to exhibit the growth mindset, resilience and learning habits that set them up to thrive at school and make a positive contribution to society.

Our work to close learning gaps






school communities

Our unique
model drives
our impact

Schools Plus’s updated working model reflects a deliberate and strategic shift towards more multiyear partnership projects where the potential to deepen impact and influence long term sustainable change is strengthened. Partnership programs begin at the incubation stage where promising initiatives, interventions and projects are supported to rigorously test and measure impact. Learnings from these programs are elevated to the expand stage. Where appropriate, we further deepen our work to “scale” these initiatives and engage in advocacy to “influence systems change,” creating broader impact within the education landscape.

How we give children more opportunities

We partner with schools to provide targeted and early interventions that help children to develop essential knowledge and skills in core learning areas of literacy, numeracy and STEM.

Integral to this is supporting students to develop traits and behaviours they need to become lifelong learners, as well as providing supportive and inclusive learning environments that allow all students to feel valued and respected.

Where we work

Schools Plus works with school communities across all states and territories in Australia. Our work supports children from schools with an ICSEA score (Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage) of less than 1000. We also partner with special needs schools.