Stronger Smarter Engagement

Working together with the Stronger Smarter Engagement program, Tara Shire State College (TSSC) in QLD is enriching student’s experiences to strengthen culturally inclusive practices. Incorporating Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum through activities like journal writing, creating plans to address cultural issues, and delivering the Acknowledgement to Country has helped children to explore their cultural identity and build their confidence, sense of belonging, and leadership potential. The school has also invested in developing teachers’ leadership skills and cultural understanding.

The community surrounding TSSC has played a vital role in the college’s success. TSSC has teamed up with elders to revive First Nations languages in the school, formed a First Nations parents’ group and hosted a reconciliation ceremony with local primary schools – helping to create a strong sense of connection and cultural exchange between the school and community. Additionally, TSSC has collaborated with several universities to open doors for First Nations students to pursue higher education.

Students have dramatically improved in attendance, more First Nations children are taking on leadership roles at school, and a Year 12 First Nations student has been accepted into University this year.

With another year of collaboration with Schools Plus, TSSC is expanding its efforts to help more children develop their cultural awareness and leadership skills through a Year 10 Outdoor Education program focused on connecting to Country.