Embracing Trauma Informed Teaching

Recognising that trauma was at the root of many children’s difficulties with learning, behaviour and relationships at school, a cluster of four schools on the Central Coast of NSW adopted a new approach.

Teachers in the cluster are embracing the BRACE model, a trauma-informed teaching approach that focuses on Belonging, Routine, Attachment, Capacity, and Emotion. By putting BRACE methods into practice, they are seeing students transform.  

For children like Regan, who often felt disconnected and misunderstood at school, the supportive and inclusive learning environment fostered by teachers has boosted their sense of belonging and ability to manage their emotions. Student attendance, engagement and academic outcomes have also improved.   

Building on support already provided by Community Liaison Officers, Aboriginal Education Officers and Chaplains, the three-year cluster project has also involved families. . Regan’s mum says: “I love that parents are being included in the same learning as our children. It helps to be able to use the same language and techniques that are being taught at school.”

The initiative is further proof that when children feel understood and supported, and their families are engaged, children can thrive.