Montello Primary School in Burnie, Tasmania is set for a major technological upgrade, thanks to support from our partner, Google. Montello is the latest school in rural and regional Australia to have their STEM project funded through our ongoing corporate partnership with Google Australia.

The project sees Montello with a brand new STEM Makerspace, a classroom equipped for hands-on, advanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics lessons in a bid to build capacity in students across emerging fields. Currently, the re-vamped classroom is already equipped with tools like drones, but moving forward the school is considering virtual reality equipment, robotics, 3D printing – something only made possible through this donation.

“It’s been an added incentive for many of our disengaged kids to actually come to school,” Montello principal Denise Wotherspoon said.

Also benefiting will be the teachers, who will undergo regular professional development training based around STEM fields and the new technologies the school will be accessing.

Schools Plus’ CEO Rosemary Conn said she was excited about the opportunities this funding opened up. “This project is the epitome of what Schools Plus exists to do – support students with projects that will create lasting change in their school,”