With Dr Susan-Marie Harding and Ali Wilson
Dr Susan-Marie Harding, Principal, Research and Evaluation at the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) shares evidence and insights on the impact and factors influencing non-attendance, and approaches to support attendance.
Susan-Marie was joined by Ali Wilson, Family Engagement Officer at Goldfields School Cluster in regional Victoria who will share approaches they have adopted and planned to support attendance and reflections on lessons learned. The Goldfield Cluster of schools is supported by Schools Plus as part of the Fair Education program.
The webinar includes opportunities to:
- learn about the impact of attendance on student achievement and factors influencing non-attendance
- hear about practical approaches taken by schools in communities where disadvantage exists to address attendance issues.
- have the opportunity to ask questions and test ideas with guest presenters and webinar participants.
Resources mentioned in this webinar:
- AITSL – Spotlight: Attendance matters
Tags: Family and community engagement, attendance, mental health and wellbeing,