To provide children affected by crises with rapid support to meet their immediate needs, and long-term support that builds resilience and reduces the impact of crises on their learning and wellbeing.
By 2027, we aim to impact 150,000 children per year.

Children get access to tangible resources that meet their immediate needs to continue their usual school routine, e.g. classroom equipment, new uniforms.

Children’s mental health and wellbeing is supported and shown through their resilience, behaviour and engagement during and post event crisis events.

Children’s learning outcomes continue to improve.

As a result of the pandemic and other major crises like flood and fires, every child in Australia has experienced unprecedented disruption to their schooling over the past few years.
For children and young people facing disadvantage:
the impact of recent crises has been felt severely, as existing challenges like housing and good insecurity, domestic violence and financial burden have been exacerbated and have compounded issues like social isolation and limited access to resources and technolgy.

Our work to support children impacted by crisis
school communities
Our unique
model drives
our impact

Schools Plus’s updated working model reflects a deliberate and strategic shift towards more multiyear partnership projects where the potential to deepen impact and influence long term sustainable change is strengthened. Partnership programs begin at the incubation stage where promising initiatives, interventions and projects are supported to rigorously test and measure impact. Learnings from these programs are elevated to the expand stage. Where appropriate, we further deepen our work to “scale” these initiatives and engage in advocacy to “influence systems change,” creating broader impact within the education landscape.
How we give children more opportunities
We partner with schools to provide rapid response to children in need of immediate support during a crisis as well as providing longer-term wellbeing support for children impacted by trauma and other slower-onset crises.
Some examples of our work include:
- Funding equipment such as laptops, books and learning packs
- Equipping teachers with skills to apply trauma informed and restorative practices
- Access to expert allied health support to help children and the broader community build resilience
SUPPORT US to help our crisis response
Where we work
Schools Plus works with school communities across all states and territories in Australia. Our work supports children from schools with an ICSEA score (Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage) of less than 1000. We also partner with special needs schools.